2 =========== Hal Chouinard *AT* Crazy Creek, Middletown CA
I consider days with a high B/S ratio to be safer for cross country flying for me as a low time pilot. Usually associated with good lift and light winds.

25 =========== Bill Whelan *AT* Frederick MD
One of the critical parameters I always look at.

42 =========== Morgan Hall *AT* Plowshare Peak, New Cuyama CA
Haven't taken the time to read the description for this.

50 =========== ---------- *AT* Van Sant Airport, Erwinna, PA
Very useful.

62 =========== john cochrane *AT* chicago glider IL
Often conditions are quite good here when B/S is low, because it's streeting. A "probability of streeting" parameter might help in this interpretation.

65 =========== William Brown *AT* Byron, CA
to me this is the most valuable part of the forecast

75 =========== Matt Herron *AT* Middletown CA

90 =========== ---------- *AT* Ephrata, WA
This is usually a rock solid forecast of usability in the NW.

101 =========== ---------- *AT* Ellenville, NY
Many of our most unstable days are breezy or windy so I watch this. Not sure how accurate or useful it is through. Thermals still workable usually.

102 =========== Mark Stump *AT* Mt. Magazine, Waveland, AR
We have had decient days where the B/S was as low as 3.

Others should note that this is HG

116 =========== ---------- *AT* Kelly Airpark, Elbert, CO
Occasionally - Not always a good indicator in the mountains and with the thermal strengths we see in CO.

124 =========== ---------- *AT* Adrian, MI (KADG)
use mostly early and late in teh season. not usually a factor in teh middle of teh summer

141 =========== ---------- *AT* Highland Aerosports / Ridgely MD - Quest Air / Groveland FL
The second parameter I look at (thermal velocity is the first).

145 =========== Martin Hellman *AT* Hayward, CA
Used sometimes. Mostly I look at wind velocity in BL and if it's on the high side (15+ kts) then I'll look at B/S ratio.

152 =========== ---------- *AT* KLEB
Very useful in traditionally windy New England.