DrJack's BLIPSPOT for: FRI 07/26 Beloit_WI 817ft pt38417@42.519,-89.104,854ft BLIPSPOT sfc.temp. adjusted by -0.1 degF SPONSORED BY: ChicagoLand Glider Council RUC - Last Analysis,Validation Time = 15Z 0Z ----------------------------------- VALIDATION TIME --------------------------------------- 12Z 13Z 14Z 15Z 16Z 17Z 18Z 19Z 20Z 21Z 22Z 23Z 0Z ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Time - - - 0949z - - 0954z - - 1002z - - 1555z Update Time FCST PERIOD - - - 6 hr - - 9 hr - - 12 hr - - 9 hr FCST PERIOD Temp@2m - - - 70.2 - - 75.0 - - 77.0 - - 74.8 Temp@2m Sfc.Heating - - - 98 - - 140 - - 62 - - -13 Sfc.Heating BL Depth - - - 1234 - - 3410 - - 3042 - - 30 BL Depth Hcrit - - - 830 - - 2776 - - 2087 - - 831 Hcrit BL Top - - - 2051 - - 4227 - - 3859 - - 847 BL Top Hgt.Variab. - - - 2025 - - 847 - - 966 - - 3875 Hgt.Variab. W* - - - 211 - - 338 - - 263 - - 23 W* B/S - - - 11 - - 13 - - 8 - - 1 B/S BL Wind - - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 3 BL Wind Direction - - - 140 - - 124 - - 123 - - 130 Direction Wind Shear - - - 1 - - 1 - - 2 - - 0 Wind Shear Max.Converg - - - 1 - - -1 - - -2 - - 0 Max.Converg CLOUDpotent - - - -842 - - -5 - - -1456 - - -2495 CLOUDpotentl sfcLCL - - - 2893 - - 4233 - - 5315 - - 3342 sfcLCL ODpotential - - - -7056 - - -6800 - - -8635 - - -7404 ODpotential blCL - - - 9107 - - 11027 - - 12494 - - 8251 blCL maxRH - - - 79 - - 75 - - 62 - - 63 maxRH CAPE - - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 CAPE Temp@2m - - - 70.2 - - 75.0 - - 77.0 - - 74.8 Temp@2m DewPt@2m - - - 60.5 - - 59.5 - - 56.7 - - 63.0 DewPt@2m Temp@Bot - - - 69.2 - - 73.9 - - 76.2 - - 75.7 Temp@Bot DewPt@Bot - - - 59.2 - - 58.1 - - 55.4 - - 61.7 DewPt@bot Sfc.Heating - - - 98 - - 140 - - 62 - - -13 Sfc.Heating BL Depth - - - 1234 - - 3410 - - 3042 - - 30 BL Depth EXPERIMENT - - - 14 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 EXPERIMENT EXPERIMENT2 - - - 11 - - 10 - - 9 - - 12 EXPERIMENT2 PROFILES OF WIND SPEED [kt] AND DIRECTION [degTrue] ----------------------------------- VALIDATION TIME --------------------------------------- Height 12Z 13Z 14Z 15Z 16Z 17Z 18Z 19Z 20Z 21Z 22Z 23Z 0Z [ft] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ft] 99423 37 099 28 083 23 073 26 077 99423 91957 28 087 20 087 20 083 22 087 91957 86181 23 072 27 100 16 081 22 076 86181 81398 20 070 23 096 11 066 20 075 81398 77284 15 046 20 088 6 079 17 056 77284 73656 10 037 17 071 10 124 6 046 73656 70368 3 066 9 033 11 063 6 074 70368 67328 5 100 5 360 13 040 9 029 67328 64516 10 050 6 016 11 040 12 013 64516 61813 12 036 6 009 7 034 9 360 61813 58997 15 019 8 000 8 004 6 008 58997 56069 17 349 13 343 12 335 13 345 56069 53276 19 345 16 356 14 353 16 354 53276 50778 23 348 28 358 27 358 23 011 50778 48557 31 351 37 005 34 007 34 016 48557 46546 36 351 42 008 37 016 37 013 46546 44703 31 343 36 005 36 021 33 019 44703 43007 21 346 28 006 31 025 31 028 43007 41435 27 029 27 018 28 031 32 035 41435 39965 36 031 29 035 27 037 30 050 39965 38580 32 019 30 039 25 041 32 059 38580 37237 29 012 22 023 23 043 30 059 37237 35867 27 013 17 007 20 031 25 056 35867 34440 26 012 17 002 17 013 25 043 34440 32955 26 015 19 001 17 001 26 036 32955 31399 25 016 20 358 19 346 23 031 31399 29762 25 012 20 354 20 339 19 028 29762 28045 26 015 20 360 18 353 17 024 28045 26246 26 019 20 013 17 005 15 016 26246 24368 27 018 22 018 19 010 15 019 24368 22412 25 019 24 023 19 022 16 033 22412 20370 17 015 19 027 16 034 14 045 20370 18242 17 005 13 028 10 030 11 055 18242 16073 13 359 11 015 7 009 3 132 16073 13982 9 008 7 001 8 340 4 172 13982 12083 7 018 4 012 4 333 1 304 12083 10401 4 048 1 139 2 274 0 035 10401 8911 2 008 0 168 2 255 1 053 8911 7591 3 327 1 037 2 223 1 330 7591 6421 2 292 1 118 3 181 1 191 6421 5389 2 168 4 147 5 155 7 159 5389 4481 3 128 4*133 6*137 10 148 4481 3682 3 105 4*130 6*130 9 144 3682 2966 3 120 5 126 6 125 8 140 2966 2331 4*142 5 125 6 124 8 137 2331 1801 4*141 5 122 6 121 7 135 1801 1394 4 140 5 120 6 119 7 133 1394 1115 3 138 4 119 5 118 6 131 1115 944 3 138 4 118 5 117 5 131 944 847 3 140 4 117 4 115 3*130 847 PARAMETER KEY: (basic parameter information is provided at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/INFO/basic_parameters.html) (more complete parameter descriptions are at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/RUC/INFO/parameters.html) (additional help is at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/INFO/index.html, e.g. "For NEW USERS" section) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Time = UTC Time of BLIPSPOT calculation FCST PERIOD = Hours from model initialization time Temp@2m = Temperature at 2m AGL [F] Sfc.Heating = Surface Heating of atmosphere [W/m^2] BL Depth = Depth of the Boundary (Mixing) Layer [ft] Hcrit = Height of Critical Updraft Strength [ftMSL] BL Top = Height of Boundary Layer Top (TI=0 height) [ftMSL] Hgt.Variab = Thermal Height Variability (difference between TI=+4{F} & TI=0 Heights) [ft] W* = Thermal Updraft Velocity (subtract glider sink rate to get vario) [fpm] B/S = Buoyancy/Shear Ratio (thermals may be unworkable if 5 or less) BL Wind = Wind Speed averaged through BL [kt] Direction = Wind Direction averaged through BL [degTrue] Max.Converg = Max. Vertical Velocity created by BL Convergence [x10^-2 kt] (note: BLIPMAPs provide better evaluation since convergence lines are usually mobile CLOUDpotent = Expect clouds at or above sfcLCL if positive (difference between H(TI=0) & sfcLCL) [ft] sfcLCL = Base of Lowest Clouds, if CLOUDpotent>0 (LCL = Lifting Condensation Level based upon sfc. humidity) [ftMSL] ODpotential = Expect extensive clouds at blCL if positive (difference between H(TI=0) & blCL) [ft] bLCL = Base of Extensive Clouds, if ODpotential>0 (bl CL = Condensation Level based upon BL humidity) [ftMSL] maxRH = Maximum Relative Humidity in BL [%] CAPE = Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg] Temp@2m = Temperature at 2m AGL [F] DewPt@2m = Dew Point Temp. at 2m AGL [F] Temp@Bot = Temperature at 16m AGL (bottom of grid) [F] (intended for DrJack's use) DewPt@Bot = Dew Point Temp. at 16m AGL (bottom of grid) [F] (intended for DrJack's use) Sfc.Heating = Surface Heating of atmosphere [W/m^2] BL Depth = Depth of the Boundary (Mixing) Layer [ft] EXPERIMENT = Mystery variable for test purposes (intended for DrJack's use) * = Indicates BL Top (TI=0 Height) on profiles Note: printed heights are for 18Z - heights for other times differ slightly Results neglect thermals created by small-scale features not resolved by the smoothed model topography