DrJack's BLIPSPOT for: FRI 07/26 Hartford_WI 1070ft pt39925@43.360,-88.340,973ft SPONSORED BY: Wisconsin Soaring Society BLIPSPOT sfc.temp. adjusted by +0.3 degF RUC - Last Analysis,Validation Time = 15Z 0Z ----------------------------------- VALIDATION TIME --------------------------------------- 12Z 13Z 14Z 15Z 16Z 17Z 18Z 19Z 20Z 21Z 22Z 23Z 0Z ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Time - - - 0949z - - 0954z - - 1002z - - 1555z Update Time FCST PERIOD - - - 6 hr - - 9 hr - - 12 hr - - 9 hr FCST PERIOD Temp@2m - - - 70.2 - - 77.6 - - 79.7 - - 75.9 Temp@2m Sfc.Heating - - - 157 - - 301 - - 208 - - 0 Sfc.Heating BL Depth - - - 1475 - - 3903 - - 4581 - - 1993 BL Depth Hcrit - - - 1637 - - 3670 - - 4026 - - 1071 Hcrit BL Top - - - 2545 - - 4973 - - 5651 - - 3063 BL Top Hgt.Variab. - - - 1632 - - 896 - - 592 - - 2001 Hgt.Variab. W* - - - 254 - - 434 - - 406 - - 91 W* B/S - - - 13 - - 12 - - 10 - - 2 B/S BL Wind - - - 4 - - 6 - - 7 - - 10 BL Wind Direction - - - 159 - - 146 - - 154 - - 146 Direction Wind Shear - - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 4 Wind Shear Max.Converg - - - 1 - - 6 - - 7 - - 4 Max.Converg CLOUDpotent - - - -2630 - - -2454 - - -1997 - - -3411 CLOUDpotentl sfcLCL - - - 5176 - - 7427 - - 7648 - - 6474 sfcLCL ODpotential - - - -10819 - - -10303 - - -10014 - - -11613 ODpotential blCL - - - 13364 - - 15276 - - 15665 - - 14676 blCL maxRH - - - 59 - - 54 - - 57 - - 61 maxRH CAPE - - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 CAPE Temp@2m - - - 70.2 - - 77.6 - - 79.7 - - 75.9 Temp@2m DewPt@2m - - - 51.6 - - 49.0 - - 50.1 - - 51.6 DewPt@2m Temp@Bot - - - 69.2 - - 75.9 - - 78.5 - - 76.2 Temp@Bot DewPt@Bot - - - 50.7 - - 47.8 - - 49.0 - - 50.8 DewPt@bot Sfc.Heating - - - 157 - - 301 - - 208 - - 0 Sfc.Heating BL Depth - - - 1475 - - 3903 - - 4581 - - 1993 BL Depth EXPERIMENT - - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 EXPERIMENT EXPERIMENT2 - - - 7 - - 7 - - 7 - - 8 EXPERIMENT2 PROFILES OF WIND SPEED [kt] AND DIRECTION [degTrue] ----------------------------------- VALIDATION TIME --------------------------------------- Height 12Z 13Z 14Z 15Z 16Z 17Z 18Z 19Z 20Z 21Z 22Z 23Z 0Z [ft] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ft] 99469 36 098 23 085 24 071 26 081 99469 91973 26 080 19 093 19 075 21 080 91973 86204 21 076 25 093 13 096 20 075 86204 81429 17 060 25 095 8 068 19 066 81429 77314 12 052 20 079 6 098 12 049 77314 73671 11 033 15 062 10 114 7 111 73671 70356 4 029 7 018 10 054 9 056 70356 67313 5 070 5 342 12 030 11 012 67313 64514 7 058 6 351 9 020 9 344 64514 61811 10 031 7 357 7 012 3 002 61811 58985 14 015 12 359 9 348 11 358 58985 56048 15 351 12 345 11 342 14 348 56048 53251 18 351 18 352 18 356 18 358 53251 50757 26 353 25 350 27 356 26 012 50757 48538 33 355 30 003 36 006 35 013 48538 46528 37 355 42 010 41 015 37 015 46528 44684 33 351 40 009 42 018 36 020 44684 42987 30 010 36 016 40 023 36 026 42987 41418 41 028 39 026 39 025 34 033 41418 39955 45 027 38 033 36 031 40 059 39955 38574 34 010 34 034 35 037 44 061 38574 37234 31 008 29 024 32 041 39 065 37234 35864 30 010 24 009 25 026 30 060 35864 34438 29 013 21 002 23 011 25 053 34438 32958 29 012 22 359 22 007 23 045 32958 31408 29 009 24 355 20 002 26 037 31408 29779 29 005 25 354 20 358 27 032 29779 28074 30 010 24 359 19 357 23 023 28074 26288 29 014 23 006 19 003 21 015 26288 24425 29 014 23 011 21 014 19 014 24425 22487 27 015 24 022 22 018 19 022 22487 20464 19 014 20 023 18 028 18 032 20464 18354 14 019 11 018 12 024 12 036 18354 16205 13 014 6 023 7 006 6 002 16205 14135 11 011 4 023 5 344 4 247 14135 12253 8 015 3 017 4 321 3 211 12253 10585 6 029 2 049 2 310 1 232 10585 9107 4 049 1 099 1 198 2 263 9107 7794 1 089 1 137 1 171 1 225 7794 6629 2 169 1 143 4*160 4 142 6629 5601 4 169 5*146 6*157 5 161 5601 4699 5 161 6*145 7 157 6 185 4699 3904 3 160 6 145 7 156 8 180 3904 3191 3*178 7 145 7 154 10*165 3191 2561 4*166 7 146 8 153 11*153 2561 2035 4 159 7 146 7 152 11 147 2035 1631 4 157 6 147 7 152 10 144 1631 1353 3 158 6 147 7 152 10 143 1353 1184 3 158 6 147 7 151 9 141 1184 1088 3 157 5 147 6 151 7 139 1088 PARAMETER KEY: (basic parameter information is provided at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/INFO/basic_parameters.html) (more complete parameter descriptions are at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/RUC/INFO/parameters.html) (additional help is at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/INFO/index.html, e.g. "For NEW USERS" section) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Time = UTC Time of BLIPSPOT calculation FCST PERIOD = Hours from model initialization time Temp@2m = Temperature at 2m AGL [F] Sfc.Heating = Surface Heating of atmosphere [W/m^2] BL Depth = Depth of the Boundary (Mixing) Layer [ft] Hcrit = Height of Critical Updraft Strength [ftMSL] BL Top = Height of Boundary Layer Top (TI=0 height) [ftMSL] Hgt.Variab = Thermal Height Variability (difference between TI=+4{F} & TI=0 Heights) [ft] W* = Thermal Updraft Velocity (subtract glider sink rate to get vario) [fpm] B/S = Buoyancy/Shear Ratio (thermals may be unworkable if 5 or less) BL Wind = Wind Speed averaged through BL [kt] Direction = Wind Direction averaged through BL [degTrue] Max.Converg = Max. Vertical Velocity created by BL Convergence [x10^-2 kt] (note: BLIPMAPs provide better evaluation since convergence lines are usually mobile CLOUDpotent = Expect clouds at or above sfcLCL if positive (difference between H(TI=0) & sfcLCL) [ft] sfcLCL = Base of Lowest Clouds, if CLOUDpotent>0 (LCL = Lifting Condensation Level based upon sfc. humidity) [ftMSL] ODpotential = Expect extensive clouds at blCL if positive (difference between H(TI=0) & blCL) [ft] bLCL = Base of Extensive Clouds, if ODpotential>0 (bl CL = Condensation Level based upon BL humidity) [ftMSL] maxRH = Maximum Relative Humidity in BL [%] CAPE = Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg] Temp@2m = Temperature at 2m AGL [F] DewPt@2m = Dew Point Temp. at 2m AGL [F] Temp@Bot = Temperature at 16m AGL (bottom of grid) [F] (intended for DrJack's use) DewPt@Bot = Dew Point Temp. at 16m AGL (bottom of grid) [F] (intended for DrJack's use) Sfc.Heating = Surface Heating of atmosphere [W/m^2] BL Depth = Depth of the Boundary (Mixing) Layer [ft] EXPERIMENT = Mystery variable for test purposes (intended for DrJack's use) * = Indicates BL Top (TI=0 Height) on profiles Note: printed heights are for 18Z - heights for other times differ slightly Results neglect thermals created by small-scale features not resolved by the smoothed model topography