DrJack's BLIPSPOT for: FRI 07/26 Montpelier_VT 1200ft pt43602@44.219,-72.589,1132ft SPONSORED BY: Moshe Braner, Post Mills Soaring Club BLIPSPOT sfc.temp. adjusted by +0.2 degF RUC - Last Analysis,Validation Time = 15Z 0Z ----------------------------------- VALIDATION TIME --------------------------------------- 12Z 13Z 14Z 15Z 16Z 17Z 18Z 19Z 20Z 21Z 22Z 23Z 0Z ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Time - - - 0948z - - 0954z - - 1002z - - 1555z Update Time FCST PERIOD - - - 6 hr - - 9 hr - - 12 hr - - 9 hr FCST PERIOD Temp@2m - - - 68.8 - - 72.1 - - 72.5 - - 67.9 Temp@2m Sfc.Heating - - - 151 - - 159 - - 35 - - -15 Sfc.Heating BL Depth - - - 2495 - - 4554 - - 5682 - - 34 BL Depth Hcrit - - - 2516 - - 4060 - - 3841 - - 1218 Hcrit BL Top - - - 3695 - - 5754 - - 6882 - - 1234 BL Top Hgt.Variab. - - - 2553 - - 1845 - - 2025 - - 6635 Hgt.Variab. W* - - - 308 - - 386 - - 279 - - 14 W* B/S - - - 4 - - 4 - - 3 - - 1 B/S BL Wind - - - 14 - - 16 - - 18 - - 4 BL Wind Direction - - - 318 - - 316 - - 305 - - 279 Direction Wind Shear - - - 8 - - 11 - - 14 - - 0 Wind Shear Max.Converg - - - 5 - - 5 - - 4 - - 1 Max.Converg CLOUDpotent - - - -225 - - 920 - - 1686 - - -1918 CLOUDpotentl sfcLCL - - - 3920 - - 4834 - - 5196 - - 3152 sfcLCL ODpotential - - - -1892 - - -939 - - 58 - - -3331 ODpotential blCL - - - 5587 - - 6693 - - 6824 - - 4565 blCL maxRH - - - 74 - - 78 - - 82 - - 91 maxRH CAPE - - - 10 - - 40 - - 80 - - 220 CAPE Temp@2m - - - 68.8 - - 72.1 - - 72.5 - - 67.9 Temp@2m DewPt@2m - - - 55.9 - - 55.2 - - 54.0 - - 58.3 DewPt@2m Temp@Bot - - - 68.2 - - 71.5 - - 73.0 - - 69.9 Temp@Bot DewPt@Bot - - - 54.7 - - 54.0 - - 52.9 - - 57.4 DewPt@bot Sfc.Heating - - - 151 - - 159 - - 35 - - -15 Sfc.Heating BL Depth - - - 2495 - - 4554 - - 5682 - - 34 BL Depth EXPERIMENT - - - 0 - - 12 - - 28 - - 64 EXPERIMENT EXPERIMENT2 - - - 9 - - 8 - - 8 - - 11 EXPERIMENT2 PROFILES OF WIND SPEED [kt] AND DIRECTION [degTrue] ----------------------------------- VALIDATION TIME --------------------------------------- Height 12Z 13Z 14Z 15Z 16Z 17Z 18Z 19Z 20Z 21Z 22Z 23Z 0Z [ft] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ft] 99457 30 085 23 084 27 079 22 065 99457 91980 21 071 20 080 22 080 16 064 91980 86211 16 072 18 073 16 065 17 070 86211 81405 13 066 15 077 11 048 15 055 81405 77260 10 051 14 086 7 015 14 022 77260 73601 8 007 7 065 3 358 8 003 73601 70288 3 268 3 336 5 324 3 023 70288 67225 4 227 4 296 2 270 2 216 67225 64374 5 221 12 280 5 316 6 271 64374 61618 5 216 16 270 11 304 6 284 61618 58745 7 247 17 255 17 281 16 305 58745 55765 15 287 20 255 23 270 23 284 55765 52923 23 286 23 254 27 261 25 277 52923 50359 30 271 27 259 30 262 29 273 50359 48059 37 266 31 261 31 265 31 266 48059 45971 41 259 32 256 33 264 29 263 45971 44062 42 253 34 253 34 260 26 266 44062 42305 43 253 35 255 35 257 28 282 42305 40690 47 257 36 260 33 253 33 284 40690 39204 49 258 37 266 27 265 28 279 39204 37821 47 257 36 271 23 284 20 286 37821 36490 43 259 32 275 20 290 20 308 36490 35145 39 263 26 275 18 294 22 327 35145 33757 34 268 21 277 18 294 24 336 33757 32322 29 277 18 283 19 297 25 339 32322 30825 28 287 18 290 20 304 26 339 30825 29249 29 291 21 297 22 313 27 339 29249 27596 27 291 25 300 24 319 27 340 27596 25863 25 289 28 297 24 322 26 341 25863 24051 27 288 28 296 24 322 25 342 24051 22163 30 285 26 295 26 319 22 342 22163 20189 29 284 25 295 27 314 22 341 20189 18127 27 287 23 298 25 308 21 334 18127 16026 25 295 22 301 22 305 20 315 16026 14004 22 307 20 303 21 304 19 306 14004 12167 21 321 18 308 22 306 21 312 12167 10539 23 330 19 318 23 309 20 316 10539 9102 25 333 23 322 24 310 19 314 9102 7830 26 332 25 322 23*309 19 309 7830 6701 26 329 23*323 22*308 21 307 6701 5698 26 328 19*322 20 306 21 305 5698 4812 24 330 18 320 20 305 21 303 4812 4026 21*330 17 317 19 305 21 301 4026 3321 16*322 15 314 18 304 20 300 3321 2696 15 318 15 314 17 304 19 299 2696 2175 14 317 14 313 16 304 17 297 2175 1774 13 316 14 313 15 304 14 295 1774 1498 12 316 13 312 13 304 11 291 1498 1330 11 316 11 312 11 304 8*287 1330 1234 8 316 8 312 8 303 4*279 1234 PARAMETER KEY: (basic parameter information is provided at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/INFO/basic_parameters.html) (more complete parameter descriptions are at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/RUC/INFO/parameters.html) (additional help is at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/INFO/index.html, e.g. "For NEW USERS" section) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Time = UTC Time of BLIPSPOT calculation FCST PERIOD = Hours from model initialization time Temp@2m = Temperature at 2m AGL [F] Sfc.Heating = Surface Heating of atmosphere [W/m^2] BL Depth = Depth of the Boundary (Mixing) Layer [ft] Hcrit = Height of Critical Updraft Strength [ftMSL] BL Top = Height of Boundary Layer Top (TI=0 height) [ftMSL] Hgt.Variab = Thermal Height Variability (difference between TI=+4{F} & TI=0 Heights) [ft] W* = Thermal Updraft Velocity (subtract glider sink rate to get vario) [fpm] B/S = Buoyancy/Shear Ratio (thermals may be unworkable if 5 or less) BL Wind = Wind Speed averaged through BL [kt] Direction = Wind Direction averaged through BL [degTrue] Max.Converg = Max. Vertical Velocity created by BL Convergence [x10^-2 kt] (note: BLIPMAPs provide better evaluation since convergence lines are usually mobile CLOUDpotent = Expect clouds at or above sfcLCL if positive (difference between H(TI=0) & sfcLCL) [ft] sfcLCL = Base of Lowest Clouds, if CLOUDpotent>0 (LCL = Lifting Condensation Level based upon sfc. humidity) [ftMSL] ODpotential = Expect extensive clouds at blCL if positive (difference between H(TI=0) & blCL) [ft] bLCL = Base of Extensive Clouds, if ODpotential>0 (bl CL = Condensation Level based upon BL humidity) [ftMSL] maxRH = Maximum Relative Humidity in BL [%] CAPE = Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg] Temp@2m = Temperature at 2m AGL [F] DewPt@2m = Dew Point Temp. at 2m AGL [F] Temp@Bot = Temperature at 16m AGL (bottom of grid) [F] (intended for DrJack's use) DewPt@Bot = Dew Point Temp. at 16m AGL (bottom of grid) [F] (intended for DrJack's use) Sfc.Heating = Surface Heating of atmosphere [W/m^2] BL Depth = Depth of the Boundary (Mixing) Layer [ft] EXPERIMENT = Mystery variable for test purposes (intended for DrJack's use) * = Indicates BL Top (TI=0 Height) on profiles Note: printed heights are for 18Z - heights for other times differ slightly Results neglect thermals created by small-scale features not resolved by the smoothed model topography