Updated May 5, 2003
> Wind plots at different heights in BL
LARGE PROJECTS (estimated more than 3 working days)
> Write-up plans for ETA-BLIPMAP expansion
> Modify+test existing programs (calc+plot) for ETA-BLIPMAPs
> Contract ETA-BLIPMAP processing machine, build new processing site
> Create new website for ETA-BLIPMAP output
> Create webpage to view archived blipmaps older than previous day
(seeking a volunteer knowledgable in coding HTML with frames and forms to help with this)
> Create webpage to plot IGC flite track over BLIPMAPs
SMALL PROJECTS (estimated 1-3 working days)
> Add two parameters for explicitly predicted clouds: integrated cloud water and cloud base
> Change to scalar windspeed averaging, esp. for B/S ratio
> Allow non-integer number printout on colorbar
> Investigate possibility of creating lat/long plots
> Use constant colors for parameters when possible
(requires analysis/knowledge of "normal" parameter range)
(requires alteration of calc+plot programs to pass parameters)
will do when alter calc+plot codes for ETA-BLIPMAPS
> Create listing of loaded image names for javascript viewer
(seeking a volunteer knowledgable in javascript to do this)
QUICK STUFF (estimated less than 8 working hours)
> Test accuracy of 2m Temp and DewPt calcs
> Add CAPE to BLIP printouts
> Update many webpages
> Solicit and post user experiences per user survey
> Include condensation heating effect in W* (might make results overly sensitive to bad cloud predictions and heating rate requires temporal eqn calc)
Color key:
red = items of personal interest/importance
black = stuff which "should be done"
DONE ITEMS (with required time)
Mar 22: > Created "help" page
Mar 21: > Improve parameter descriptions on webpage = 15 hours
Mar 20: > Add Google Site Search
Mar 18: > Create webpage with links to existing soaring meteorology explanations on the web
Mar 17: > Add "ticker" to viewer
Mar 13: > Activate additional forecast times
Feb 13: > Create regional "climatology blipmaps" for each month based on 2002 forecast = 44 hours
Feb 9: > Calculate BLIPMAP parameter statistics for 2002 = 11 hrs
Feb 8: > Modify Blipmap Forum software = 17 hours
Feb 5: > Establish a BLIPMAP discussion group = 7 hrs
Jan 29: > Create at-a-point BLIP creation info page for additional locations nationwide = 3 hours
Jan 27: > Incorporate (pre-existing!) sfc-humidity-based cloud-base estimate = 3 hours
Jan 20: > Prepare talk for SSA convention
Jan 17: > Conduct user survey, calc response statistics, writeup+post summary = 53 hours
Jan 6: > Add data file output for SeeYou input = 1 hour
Jan 1: > Create+send BLIPMAP "hero" awards
Dec 27: > Add map with location identifier points for all regions = 20 hours
(required alteration of plot program to allow point overlay)
Dec 25: > Expand NW grid into Canada = 6 hours
Dec 23: > Create FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) webpage = 5 hours