DrJack's BLIPSPOT for: WED 09/18 Driggs_ID 6229ft pt41635@43.809,-111.283,6348ft SPONSORED BY: Jack Burnham BLIPSPOT sfc.temp. adjusted by -0.4 degF RUC - Last Analysis,Validation Time = 18Z 3Z ----------------------------------- VALIDATION TIME --------------------------------------- 15Z 16Z 17Z 18Z 19Z 20Z 21Z 22Z 23Z 0Z 1Z 2Z 3Z ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Time 0949z - - 0955z - - 1003z - - 1557z - - 1853z Update Time FCST PERIOD 6 hr - - 9 hr - - 12 hr - - 9 hr - - 9 hr FCST PERIOD Temp@2m 44.2 - - 48.8 - - 48.4 - - 47.6 - - 43.0 Temp@2m Sfc.Heating 21 - - 142 - - 21 - - 3 - - -15 Sfc.Heating BL Depth 341 - - 2212 - - 342 - - 341 - - 341 BL Depth Hcrit 6554 - - 7349 - - 6554 - - 6554 - - 6554 Hcrit BL Top 6570 - - 8441 - - 6571 - - 6570 - - 6570 BL Top Hgt.Variab. 2231 - - 2137 - - 3745 - - 2934 - - 847 Hgt.Variab. W* 86 - - 297 - - 87 - - 48 - - 0 W* B/S 2 - - 4 - - 2 - - 2 - - 0 B/S BL Wind 9 - - 15 - - 8 - - 5 - - 4 BL Wind Direction 248 - - 253 - - 266 - - 274 - - 203 Direction Wind Shear 0 - - 7 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 Wind Shear Max.Converg -7 - - -13 - - -2 - - 0 - - -9 Max.Converg CLOUDpotent 0 - - 1871 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 CLOUDpotentl sfcLCL 6570 - - 6570 - - 6571 - - 6570 - - 6570 sfcLCL ODpotential -1023 - - 147 - - -1138 - - -591 - - -1845 ODpotential blCL 7593 - - 8294 - - 7709 - - 7161 - - 8415 blCL maxRH 100 - - 100 - - 101 - - 100 - - 87 maxRH CAPE 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 140 - - 0 CAPE Temp@2m 44.2 - - 48.8 - - 48.4 - - 47.6 - - 43.0 Temp@2m DewPt@2m 41.3 - - 42.8 - - 43.4 - - 45.5 - - 41.8 DewPt@2m Temp@Bot 43.7 - - 47.4 - - 47.9 - - 47.3 - - 44.9 Temp@Bot DewPt@Bot 40.9 - - 41.6 - - 42.8 - - 45.2 - - 42.5 DewPt@bot Sfc.Heating 21 - - 142 - - 21 - - 3 - - -15 Sfc.Heating BL Depth 341 - - 2212 - - 342 - - 341 - - 341 BL Depth EXPERIMENT 100 - - 101 - - 102 - - 102 - - 47 EXPERIMENT EXPERIMENT2 7 - - 7 - - 7 - - 8 - - 7 EXPERIMENT2 PROFILES OF WIND SPEED [kt] AND DIRECTION [degTrue] ----------------------------------- VALIDATION TIME --------------------------------------- Height 15Z 16Z 17Z 18Z 19Z 20Z 21Z 22Z 23Z 0Z 1Z 2Z 3Z [ft] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ft] 98490 5 036 10 353 14 007 9 076 14 342 98490 91215 10 053 8 053 6 041 13 045 11 044 91215 85582 7 086 8 046 6 088 11 007 10 077 85582 80893 13 100 4 120 4 053 4 341 9 052 80893 76841 15 085 8 146 2 112 3 087 7 096 76841 73246 9 068 8 134 3 178 4 049 9 103 73246 69973 5 078 8 139 5 231 2 357 7 122 69973 66950 3 036 9 129 9 206 7 281 4 080 66950 64139 5 283 10 114 10 166 6 226 1 317 64139 61399 12 227 2 168 11 129 11 156 5 232 61399 58521 19 189 14 192 11 167 17 174 14 214 58521 55535 16 195 9 169 14 189 19 182 18 203 55535 52686 18 203 15 207 18 213 15 233 13 221 52686 50122 18 199 19 217 24 226 22 241 19 238 50122 47832 11 236 20 208 23 226 20 250 21 242 47832 45762 15 268 21 216 21 231 22 259 23 257 45762 43870 20 266 20 222 25 233 28 256 29 265 43870 42127 24 268 18 233 27 232 30 249 34 264 42127 40510 31 265 20 261 21 238 29 238 36 260 40510 39010 37 259 25 269 12 258 12 215 31 259 39010 37622 34 259 22 269 4 245 16 116 16 245 37622 36317 27 245 10 286 17 084 17 098 8 108 36317 35023 16 210 1 188 26 075 15 080 13 096 35023 33703 15 078 5 107 21 079 10 088 12 092 33703 32360 14 068 8 104 13 086 5 129 10 087 32360 30983 10 046 9 117 7 129 4 326 4 152 30983 29565 5 345 6 125 6 210 6 335 2 255 29565 28109 10 312 4 217 6 213 7 348 5 303 28109 26617 14 308 8 262 12 248 9 320 7 335 26617 25092 15 272 13 253 13 275 11 307 10 329 25092 23540 19 280 16 277 12 291 13 293 10 315 23540 21955 23 304 18 311 14 299 14 296 11 306 21955 20330 25 316 21 327 17 293 17 295 14 305 20330 18697 25 314 22 329 18 299 17 299 17 304 18697 17135 25 310 21 321 18 307 16 299 19 305 17135 15718 26 307 22 310 21 311 17 303 19 308 15718 14453 27 303 23 300 22 309 17 311 18 311 14453 13319 26 295 23 293 22 299 17 318 16 312 13319 12295 23 289 22 288 21 288 18 320 13 315 12295 11369 20 291 20 284 20 281 18 319 11 321 11369 10533 17 298 18 281 19 276 19 315 9 327 10533 9781 16 297 17 275 18 273 18 311 7 333 9781 9102 16 291 17 269 17 269 18 306 6 338 9102 8481 18 283 17*265 16 264 16 297 5 335 8481 7921 20 268 17*255 15 263 14 290 4 319 7921 7446 21 256 16 253 15 262 13 284 4 282 7446 7076 19 252 16 252 13 263 11 279 5 244 7076 6819 17 250 15 252 12 263 9 276 6 221 6819 6661 14 249 13 252 11*265 8 274 6 207 6661 6570 9*248 10 252 8*266 5*274 4*203 6570 PARAMETER KEY: (basic parameter information is provided at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/INFO/basic_parameters.html) (more complete parameter descriptions are at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/RUC/INFO/parameters.html) (additional help is at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/INFO/index.html, e.g. "For NEW USERS" section) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Time = UTC Time of BLIPSPOT calculation FCST PERIOD = Hours from model initialization time Temp@2m = Temperature at 2m AGL [F] Sfc.Heating = Surface Heating of atmosphere [W/m^2] BL Depth = Depth of the Boundary (Mixing) Layer [ft] Hcrit = Height of Critical Updraft Strength [ftMSL] BL Top = Height of Boundary Layer Top (TI=0 height) [ftMSL] Hgt.Variab = Thermal Height Variability (difference between TI=+4{F} & TI=0 Heights) [ft] W* = Thermal Updraft Velocity (subtract glider sink rate to get vario) [fpm] B/S = Buoyancy/Shear Ratio (thermals may be unworkable if 5 or less) BL Wind = Wind Speed averaged through BL [kt] Direction = Wind Direction averaged through BL [degTrue] Max.Converg = Max. Vertical Velocity created by BL Convergence [x10^-2 kt] (note: BLIPMAPs provide better evaluation since convergence lines are usually mobile CLOUDpotent = Expect clouds at or above sfcLCL if positive (difference between H(TI=0) & sfcLCL) [ft] sfcLCL = Base of Lowest Clouds, if CLOUDpotent>0 (LCL = Lifting Condensation Level based upon sfc. humidity) [ftMSL] ODpotential = Expect extensive clouds at blCL if positive (difference between H(TI=0) & blCL) [ft] bLCL = Base of Extensive Clouds, if ODpotential>0 (bl CL = Condensation Level based upon BL humidity) [ftMSL] maxRH = Maximum Relative Humidity in BL [%] CAPE = Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg] Temp@2m = Temperature at 2m AGL [F] DewPt@2m = Dew Point Temp. at 2m AGL [F] Temp@Bot = Temperature at 16m AGL (bottom of grid) [F] (intended for DrJack's use) DewPt@Bot = Dew Point Temp. at 16m AGL (bottom of grid) [F] (intended for DrJack's use) Sfc.Heating = Surface Heating of atmosphere [W/m^2] BL Depth = Depth of the Boundary (Mixing) Layer [ft] EXPERIMENT = Mystery variable for test purposes (intended for DrJack's use) * = Indicates BL Top (TI=0 Height) on profiles Note: printed heights are for 21Z - heights for other times differ slightly Results neglect thermals created by small-scale features not resolved by the smoothed model topography