DrJack's BLIPSPOT for: WED 09/18 SunValley_ID 9010ft pt41923@43.686,-114.391,7241ft SPONSORED BY: Sun Valley Paragliding Club BLIPSPOT sfc.temp. adjusted by +4.1 degF RUC - Last Analysis,Validation Time = 18Z 3Z ----------------------------------- VALIDATION TIME --------------------------------------- 15Z 16Z 17Z 18Z 19Z 20Z 21Z 22Z 23Z 0Z 1Z 2Z 3Z ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Time 0949z - - 0955z - - 1003z - - 1557z - - 1853z Update Time FCST PERIOD 6 hr - - 9 hr - - 12 hr - - 9 hr - - 9 hr FCST PERIOD Temp@2m 43.2 - - 51.6 - - 55.7 - - 52.3 - - 46.6 Temp@2m Sfc.Heating 1 - - 113 - - 146 - - 36 - - -4 Sfc.Heating BL Depth 16 - - 3966 - - 6262 - - 4267 - - 3229 BL Depth Hcrit 7145 - - 11304 - - 13137 - - 10302 - - 7145 Hcrit BL Top 7163 - - 12976 - - 15272 - - 13277 - - 12239 BL Top Hgt.Variab. 3028 - - 2250 - - 1390 - - 1563 - - 1487 Hgt.Variab. W* 15 - - 341 - - 424 - - 238 - - 33 W* B/S 0 - - 7 - - 11 - - 5 - - 2 B/S BL Wind 12 - - 9 - - 7 - - 8 - - 4 BL Wind Direction 349 - - 326 - - 309 - - 346 - - 050 Direction Wind Shear 15 - - 3 - - 6 - - 3 - - 2 Wind Shear Max.Converg -19 - - -13 - - 9 - - -16 - - 17 Max.Converg CLOUDpotent 2 - - 4075 - - 4882 - - 4717 - - 4557 CLOUDpotentl sfcLCL 7162 - - 8902 - - 10390 - - 8561 - - 7682 sfcLCL ODpotential -4442 - - 703 - - 2067 - - 1219 - - 1076 ODpotential blCL 11605 - - 12273 - - 13205 - - 12058 - - 11163 blCL maxRH 87 - - 92 - - 96 - - 94 - - 98 maxRH CAPE 0 - - 70 - - 80 - - 100 - - 0 CAPE Temp@2m 43.2 - - 51.6 - - 55.7 - - 52.3 - - 46.6 Temp@2m DewPt@2m 37.4 - - 37.2 - - 34.8 - - 39.4 - - 37.7 DewPt@2m Temp@Bot 47.2 - - 54.5 - - 58.3 - - 56.0 - - 53.8 Temp@Bot DewPt@Bot 36.5 - - 36.0 - - 33.8 - - 38.5 - - 36.9 DewPt@bot Sfc.Heating 1 - - 113 - - 146 - - 36 - - -4 Sfc.Heating BL Depth 16 - - 3966 - - 6262 - - 4267 - - 3229 BL Depth EXPERIMENT 49 - - 66 - - 84 - - 76 - - 90 EXPERIMENT EXPERIMENT2 5 - - 5 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 EXPERIMENT2 PROFILES OF WIND SPEED [kt] AND DIRECTION [degTrue] ----------------------------------- VALIDATION TIME --------------------------------------- Height 15Z 16Z 17Z 18Z 19Z 20Z 21Z 22Z 23Z 0Z 1Z 2Z 3Z [ft] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ft] 98529 1 144 3 315 5 060 4 007 5 331 98529 91228 10 070 13 027 7 045 8 060 6 054 91228 85595 16 088 4 129 9 050 8 078 11 086 85595 80925 14 091 12 146 4 049 12 049 12 064 80925 76876 10 073 14 096 7 152 2 214 8 040 76876 73263 5 061 13 084 8 130 3 180 5 063 73263 69969 4 085 6 111 9 142 2 194 6 084 69969 66927 4 135 5 143 9 144 2 178 6 145 66927 64105 8 178 8 181 6 141 7 194 9 166 64105 61369 9 185 13 184 9 174 12 178 10 184 61369 58497 12 186 11 171 11 177 11 169 11 186 58497 55497 15 197 10 182 14 179 10 181 8 206 55497 52634 17 197 13 196 10 188 9 212 12 224 52634 50070 14 202 15 198 10 221 11 245 12 227 50070 47784 10 219 15 196 13 230 13 245 9 241 47784 45716 10 233 14 191 17 225 14 244 10 258 45716 43823 11 251 9 188 18 218 17 242 12 261 43823 42077 15 253 6 220 18 212 21 230 14 256 42077 40456 19 246 8 244 12 204 19 213 18 243 40456 38953 19 243 9 255 6 157 14 171 16 229 38953 37567 13 248 7 247 12 092 32 121 13 172 37567 36269 9 224 6 220 15 086 40 121 22 128 36269 34985 17 157 4 177 12 089 26 128 21 120 34985 33681 30 132 9 133 5 091 15 110 11 119 33681 32360 26 129 11 129 1 266 10 083 10 108 32360 31008 23 138 11 128 3 262 3 050 15 086 31008 29615 9 143 11 126 3 238 3 306 12 078 29615 28187 2 335 7 094 4 203 3 299 8 063 28187 26726 6 317 3 328 1 167 1 278 7 048 26726 25237 9 318 6 301 4 311 1 313 4 028 25237 23722 12 330 5 303 6 290 2 337 3 355 23722 22178 14 331 5 299 7 281 6 345 6 014 22178 20601 15 328 9 323 8 307 8 337 8 016 20601 19018 16 324 14 332 10 328 10 349 8 016 19018 17505 15 318 14 333 11 327 14 355 6 011 17505 16133 13 310 12 329 10*312 11 352 5 353 16133 14908 12 309 10 319 9*300 7 341 5 341 14908 13807 11 314 9*315 9 300 5*321 3 340 13807 12813 12 324 8*318 8 303 4*320 1*003 12813 11912 13 334 9 326 8 307 5 335 1*083 11912 11095 14 343 9 328 7 309 7 346 2 075 11095 10355 16 349 10 329 7 312 9 349 3 056 10355 9685 17 353 10 328 7 313 9 350 4 045 9685 9070 18 355 10 328 7 315 10 349 5 042 9070 8513 18 353 10 328 6 318 10 349 5 045 8513 8040 15 350 9 326 6 319 10 349 5 050 8040 7669 12 348 9 325 6 319 9 348 5 054 7669 7411 8 344 8 324 5 319 9 348 4 054 7411 7253 6*342 7 323 5 318 8 348 3 046 7253 7162 3*334 6 322 4 319 6 347 3 038 7162 PARAMETER KEY: (basic parameter information is provided at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/INFO/basic_parameters.html) (more complete parameter descriptions are at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/RUC/INFO/parameters.html) (additional help is at http://www.drjack.info/BLIP/INFO/index.html, e.g. "For NEW USERS" section) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update Time = UTC Time of BLIPSPOT calculation FCST PERIOD = Hours from model initialization time Temp@2m = Temperature at 2m AGL [F] Sfc.Heating = Surface Heating of atmosphere [W/m^2] BL Depth = Depth of the Boundary (Mixing) Layer [ft] Hcrit = Height of Critical Updraft Strength [ftMSL] BL Top = Height of Boundary Layer Top (TI=0 height) [ftMSL] Hgt.Variab = Thermal Height Variability (difference between TI=+4{F} & TI=0 Heights) [ft] W* = Thermal Updraft Velocity (subtract glider sink rate to get vario) [fpm] B/S = Buoyancy/Shear Ratio (thermals may be unworkable if 5 or less) BL Wind = Wind Speed averaged through BL [kt] Direction = Wind Direction averaged through BL [degTrue] Max.Converg = Max. Vertical Velocity created by BL Convergence [x10^-2 kt] (note: BLIPMAPs provide better evaluation since convergence lines are usually mobile CLOUDpotent = Expect clouds at or above sfcLCL if positive (difference between H(TI=0) & sfcLCL) [ft] sfcLCL = Base of Lowest Clouds, if CLOUDpotent>0 (LCL = Lifting Condensation Level based upon sfc. humidity) [ftMSL] ODpotential = Expect extensive clouds at blCL if positive (difference between H(TI=0) & blCL) [ft] bLCL = Base of Extensive Clouds, if ODpotential>0 (bl CL = Condensation Level based upon BL humidity) [ftMSL] maxRH = Maximum Relative Humidity in BL [%] CAPE = Convective Available Potential Energy [J/kg] Temp@2m = Temperature at 2m AGL [F] DewPt@2m = Dew Point Temp. at 2m AGL [F] Temp@Bot = Temperature at 16m AGL (bottom of grid) [F] (intended for DrJack's use) DewPt@Bot = Dew Point Temp. at 16m AGL (bottom of grid) [F] (intended for DrJack's use) Sfc.Heating = Surface Heating of atmosphere [W/m^2] BL Depth = Depth of the Boundary (Mixing) Layer [ft] EXPERIMENT = Mystery variable for test purposes (intended for DrJack's use) * = Indicates BL Top (TI=0 Height) on profiles Note: printed heights are for 21Z - heights for other times differ slightly Results neglect thermals created by small-scale features not resolved by the smoothed model topography